VA Medical Center Registration Materials
VA Trainee Onboarding Team
1030 Jefferson Ave.
Trainee Education/11A
Memphis, TN 38104
Phone: 901.577.7207
Deadlines by which Steps 1-3 in the VA Essential Checklist must be completed for access to the VA.
- May 31 for new residents & fellows not onboarded at the VA as a medical student or resident to fellow.
- April 30 for current UT medical students & residents (medical students that have already been onboarded at a VA, and Residents that have already been onboarded going into fellowship).
Welcome/Career Opportunities
- Total Reward$ of VA Employment
- VAMC Parking Map
- New Resident/Fellow Physician Application Guide
Patient Safety
Programs Point-of-Contacts
- Helpful Contacts
- General VA Number 901.523.8990
- Medicine & Surgery Specialties-Trainee Onboarding Team – Extensions- 7207, 5179, 2073, & 7662
- VA Computer Helpdesk- 4357, local; 1-855-673-4357, National
- VAMC Police 2222