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College of Medicine International Rotations

Applying for an International Experience

UTHSC College of Medicine students may arrange international elective clinical experiences. International rotations are typically 4-week experiences. There are many steps in the process of setting up international experiences and getting institutional approval, thus students should start the process early. Students should begin planning international medical experiences at least 6 months before the estimated date of starting the rotation. Students should note that there may be additional costs associated with international rotations.

The Process:

  1. Students must complete all M3 core clerkships prior to embarking on an international rotation.
  2. Meet with your specialty advisor to ensure that an international rotation is appropriate for your specialty and/or career interests.
  3. Meet with the Senior Assistant Dean or Assistant Dean of Clinical Curriculum to discuss the elective prior to the application process. 
  4. Minimum 4 months advanced notice is required. Rotations should be 4 weeks in length.
  5. Students should apply for a rotation through VSLO Global Network. If a student identifies an experience outside of the VSLO Global Network, then an on-site mentor/clinical supervisor will need to be identified for the rotation. This mentor does not need to be a UT faculty member.
  6. If applying outside of the VSLO Global Network, the student will be required to develop a list of learning objectives in partnership with the on-site faculty mentor/supervisor. Objectives must be approved by one of the clinical curriculum deans. Approval is based on the strength of the objectives and evidence that there will be proper supervision of the student by the host institution.
  7. For rotations that are outside of VSLO Global Network, complete the Application Form for Non-VSLO Away/International Electives.
    1. Include with this application form an official "Letter of Acceptance" from the host institution.
    2. Obtain the curriculum vitae (CV) of the faculty mentor/supervisor.
    3. Submit the Application Form, Learning Objectives, Letter of Acceptance, and other documentation to the Office of Medical Education via
  8. Students participating in international electives will receive elective credit, including receiving an evaluation and final grade for the rotation. Students should take a copy of their evaluation form (either paper or electronic) with them to the rotation. It is the student's responsibility to ensure the completed evaluation form is returned to the Office of Medical Education.

Questions about this process should be sent to

Additional Required Documentation Includes:

  1. International Elective Checklist 
  2. Waiver form 
  3. International malpractice insurance coverage to equal $1 million per incidence and $3 million annual aggregate. If host program does not cover malpractice insurance for the student while rotating with them, the student will need to purchase an individual policy to cover the dates of rotation. This is separate from the UTHSC-provided medical malpractice insurance. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and cover the cost of this insurance. (Proof of insurance does not have to be provided until approval is received from UT and host institutions).
  4. UTHSC International Travel Registration
    You will receive a hard copy of your identity card in 5-15 days but should be able to download an electronic pdf with your member number immediately. Once this card has been purchased, please email a scanned copy or a photo of your ISIC or ITIC card to the Office of International Affairs ( Having this information will allow us to help coordinate services for you in an emergency.



Feb 11, 2025