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Appointment Types

Full time faculty at the UTHSC can be hired either on the tenure-track or the nontenure track. Tenure track faculty are hired with an expectation that they will contribute in a full range of faculty activities, including teaching, research/scholarly activity, and service, as well as patient care where appropriate. Faculty members on the tenure track are initially appointed as probationary for tenure. The tenure calculation aid shows probationary period based on initial appointment date.
Full time faculty at the UTHSC can be hired either on the tenure-track or the nontenure track. Nontenure track faculty members are hired for a limited scope of faculty activities, with a primary role in clinical care, teaching or research/scholarly activity and at least a minimal contribution in one or more of the other missions of the university. The three types of nontenure track appointment are defined in the Faculty Handbook Section 6.2.2 – Clinician Educator, Research Appointment, Limited Duration Appointment. (See Faculty Handbook Section 5.2.2 for additional information relating to nontenure track appointments).
Part-time nontenure track appointments are for those faculty members who devote less than full time effort to the mission and programs of UTHSC. Appointees may be either salaried for routinely recurring service or receive special payments for services performed on an irregular basis. Part-time faculty members may be eligible for some University benefits, depending on their percentage of effort. Each part-time faculty member meets annually with the Chair for the Annual Performance and Planning Review (Section 4.15.3). At the end of the appointment term, the faculty member’s employment will be discontinued if the appointment has not been renewed.
This appointment is for a period of at least one month, but not more than one year. Limited Duration appointments may be renewed, but the total length of the initial appointment plus re-appointments cannot exceed three years. A faculty member who has held a Limited Duration appointment for three years is usually not eligible for an additional Limited Duration appointment. At the end of the appointment term, the faculty member’s employment will be discontinued, if the appointment has not been renewed.

Volunteer appointments are for faculty members who devote a portion of their effort to serve on the UTHSC faculty without monetary compensation or benefits from UTHSC or from an affiliated institution. If an individual is awarded a volunteer faculty appointment at UTHSC, that individual is responsible to the Chair of the appointing department for his or her activities as a faculty member in that department. Volunteer faculty are not eligible for tenure, but are eligible for appointment and promotion to the various faculty ranks with the prefix of “Clinical” for those with a professional degree or “Adjunct” for those not eligible to treat patients (e.g., Clinical Associate Professor or Adjunct Associate Professor). Appointments to the Volunteer faculty will be evaluated for renewal no less frequently than every 3 years. A Volunteer faculty appointment that is not renewed within 3 years after being granted is deemed terminated without the need for notice or other action by UTHSC. Non-renewed volunteer faculty must be terminated in DASH upon non-renewal. 

  • Volunteer/Friend and special-pay faculty should have no more than a 3 academic-year span beginning from the effective start date.
  • Volunteer/Friend with Special-Pay Appointment
    • Special Pay appointment provides short-term installments to volunteer clinical faculty and does not require any job postings or advertising; does not exceed the 3-year volunteer/friend appointment durationFor
    • Friend appointment with Special Pay, an additional, separate letter is required listing the specifics - time period, dollar amount, number of students, etc. 
  • Volunteer Template
  • Special Pay Template
  • Friend Form

  • Any appointment in another department or academic unit is called a "secondary" appointment. Thus, a faculty member may have faculty appointments in two or more departments; collectively, these appointments are called "joint" appointments.
A faculty appointment is considered a joint appointment if the faculty member has a primary appointment in a different department and/or college. Intercampus academic appointments are joint faculty appointments, involving UTHSC and either another UT campus or a non-UT college or university. Intercampus academic appointments are sometimes authorized when a faculty member at one university campus has expertise that qualifies him/her for participating in the work of a department on another university campus and when the other department has need of his/her services. The definition and extent of such intercampus participation is determined by mutual agreement among the faculty member, the Department Chairs in consultation with appropriate faculty of the academic units involved, and the respective deans or other campus officers.
  • The appointment is usually without salary or tenure in the cooperating or second department (i.e., the unit awarding the intercampus appointment), and tenure status (if any) and salary continue to be linked with the base department. 

Required documents 

  • Joint FAA signed by the dean(s) and department chairs in each college/department 
  • Joint Appointment Letter signed by the dean(s) and department chairs in each college/department
  • Current CV in UT format updated within 6 months 
  • Personnel Change Form (PCF) 
  • Current licenses and certifications

A faculty appointment is considered a revised appointment if there is a change in tenure status, rank, percent effort, department, addition or removal of an additional role that involves additional pay, etc. 

Required documents 

  • Revised FAA  
  • Revised Appointment Letter 
  • If changing status due to promotion/position change, a revised appointment letter is needed even if there is no resultant change in pay. 
  • Current CV in UT format updated within 6 months 
  • Personnel Change Form (PCF) 
  • Current licenses and certifications

UTHSC may award emeritus status to faculty members at or after the time of retirement. A faculty member with emeritus status holds an honorary faculty appointment at a specified rank. Emeritus status is granted to those individuals who have distinguished themselves in service to UTHSC and who have received recognition for their academic contributions. The status is not granted automatically upon retirement of a faculty member but rather upon the recommendation of the faculty member's Chair, with the endorsement of the Dean, and subsequent approval of the Chancellor. 

Required documents 

  • Letter of support from Dean to Chancellor/Vice Chancellor 
  • Letter of support from Chair to Dean
  • Retirement Letter 
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)
A Visiting Professor is an individual whose appointment is necessary in a specific college because of exceptional professional qualifications. The title of Visiting Professor should be restricted to those individuals who have made substantive contributions in their field and whose knowledge and skills would be of value to a particular college/academic program at UTHSC. 


Jan 7, 2025