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Graduate Medical Education Chattanooga

Welcome to the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine - Chattanooga Graduate Medical Education.

On January 23, 2025, the Institutional Review Committee of the ACGME awarded our institution "Continued Accreditation", effective January 13, 2025, as a Sponsoring Institution for ACGME-accredited GME training programs.  The IRC noted that we were in substantial compliance with the Institutional Requirements and once again issued zero citations.  Our primary clinical affiliated partner in providing quality Graduate Medical Education is Erlanger Medical Center, including Children's Hospital at Erlanger (called "Erlanger Health").


203 Residents and Fellows
24 Total GME Programs:  18 ACGME-Accredited  Programs [10 Residency Programs and 8 Fellowship Programs] and 6 Non-Standard Programs 

Accreditation and Overview ... What is GME?

Graduate Medical Education (GME) is the Graduate Medical Education training of physicians who are pursuing residency and fellowship specialty training following graduation from medical school. The University of Tennessee Health Science Center is a statewide system with campuses in Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, and Chattanooga.

Our Sponsoring Institution is the University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine - Chattanooga, and is approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) to sponsor physician residency and fellowship programs in Chattanooga.  On January 16, 2024, the ACGME and its Institutional Review Committee (IRC) again awarded Continued Accreditation to our institution based on the review of all our ACGME WebAds annual updates.  We were commended for meeting all institutional accreditation standards without any citations.

Not only does our Sponsoring Institution hold Continued Accreditation --  all 18 of our ACGME Programs are also fully accredited.  Most of these programs hold Continued Accreditation with Commendation for having no citations.  Currently  (2024-2025) we have 203 Residents and Fellows enrolled in our GME Programs..

  • James W. Haynes, MD, MBA, FAAFP
    Chief Executive Officer and Dean
    Professor, Department of Family Medicine
    University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine-Chattanooga
    Deans' Office:  423.778.6956
  • Andrea W. Goins, DO
    Interim Designated Designated Institutional Official (DIO) 
    Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics
    University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine-Chattanooga
    Deans' Office:  423.778.6956

A core faculty of approximately 140 paid physicians is joined by more than 300 physicians who volunteer their support and represent the major medical and surgical specialties and subspecialties. The Chairs of the UT College of Medicine-Chattanooga Departments report directly to our Dean and not to the chairs of corresponding departments at the main medical school campus in Memphis.

The Office of Graduate Medical Education in Chattanooga administers the residency and fellowship programs for our campus.  The GME Administrative Team who support Dr. Goins, our DIO, include:

Ms. White (Lucy) is a full-time, licensed Counselor located within the Deans Office.  She is available for individual, confidential counseling and support sessions, and can provide didactics and other group discussions for departments and programs.  Her services are available to all Medical and PA Students, Residents, Fellows, and Departmental Administrative Staff at no charge.  Communication with the Counselor is absolutely confidential.  She provides services to clients in a private area in the Whitehall Building (Suite 516).  No one else has access to the Counselor's phone (423.778.9420).  You can also email her at

The University of Tennessee Health Science Center College of Medicine - Chattanooga is part of a Statewide System of Graduate Medical Education. Additional GME Programs at other UTHSC campuses include:

  • GME Programs at the flagship UTHSC College of Medicine in Memphis and Jackson
  • GME Programs at the UT College of Medicine Nashville
  • GME Programs at the UT Graduate School of Medicine Knoxville
Feb 10, 2025